Political Science, Uncategorized

Why Do People Join ISIS?

Why do people join ISIS?

This is a question that requires multiple answers, but the objective here is to argue and identify reasons why someone who is either not affiliated with the ideologies of the organization, or the radicalized religion that the organization has claimed at all, would decide to assume membership and operate under ISIS control.

First, let’s examine those who live in regions currently controlled by ISIS. Within these regions there is a complete regime (consisting of both society and government) change. A terrorist organization has overthrown any previously established rule and has given citizens two options: (1) join the organization in order to save your life and provide for your family; (2) Die. When economic opportunities disappear and the survival of your entire family is dependent on some solution coming through, ISIS steps in and become the solution.

Second, why do people who do not live anywhere near ISIS territory join the group? Imagine that you are a minority in any (or every) aspect. You are discriminated against, attacked, segregated, alienated, and have no comfort within your borders. ISIS specifically targets these people. They are vulnerable and easily manipulated. Just like with any religious cult, the organization monopolizes on those who are looking for a quick solution. Weak minded people who are low on spirits are the easiest to manipulate, and ISIS takes advantage of that.

How do we combat ISIS as civilians?

  1. ISIS is successful only because of fear and targeted manipulation. If they can scare you enough to alter the way you live (where you travel to, how you act, what you worship, etc) then they have found success. Do not live in fear of the organization, because that is what it thrives on. Once people begin living in fear and halting their normal lifestyles, they become submissive and lose the ability to stop the organization.
  2. Do not feed into their recruits. Classifying all Muslims as ISIS members only further alienates the Muslim people…which in turn can easily lead to them finding refuge in the organization. It is excruciatingly important to recognize that there is a difference between Islam and the radicalized version of Islam that ISIS members follow. Just as there are radicalized versions of EVERY religion (yes, even Christianity..*cough*Westboro*cough*). ISIS recruiting goes beyond Muslims as well. There has been a segment of their propaganda aimed directly at African-Americans, because they have been the subject of alienation and oppression too.

Ultimately, it is important to not fall victim to fear. It will be a long and complicated battle with ISIS, and the best way civilians can help fight against them is to love one another and to not allow them to gain power over you with scare tactics.
